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Adblock Tools

Total Browser comes with built-in Adblock tools to help keep your online experience distraction free. It can also help reduce data usage and increase page performance.


Adblock: Block intrusive ads and creepy trackers across all websites.

Quiet Mode: Block annoying spam notifications from all websites.

You can access these features by following these steps:

  • Click the Total Browser icon
  • Select the Adblock tab
  • You can then use the toggles to turn these features on or off for all websites.

    Adblock Whitelist

    This will allow the website to load adverts. Good if you want to support a website or are just curious to what is being advertised.

    You can add a website to the Quiet Mode Whitelist by visiting the website and using the Pause button on the Total Browser Tool.

    Quiet Mode Whitelist

    Sometimes you may wish to have notifications shown from your favourite websites, such as keeping aware of upcoming events. By adding a website to the Quiet Mode Whitelist you can still receive their notifications.

    You can add a website to the Quiet Mode Whitelist by visiting the website and using the Pause button on the Total Browser Tool.