How To Use Total Drive

Using Total Drive

What is Metadata?

Metadata is essentially "data about data." When you store a file in Total Drive, it doesn't just save the file itself, but also a set of details about that file. This information is called metadata. Think of it as a summary or an index card that provides key details about your file without opening it.

Examples of Metadata:

  • File Name: The name you give to your file.
  • File Type: The format of the file, such as PDF, JPEG, DOCX, etc.
  • Size: How big the file is in terms of storage space (e.g., 2 MB / 2 GB).
  • Creation Date: When the file was originally created.
  • Modification Date: When the file was last changed.
  • Owner: The user who created or uploaded the file.
  • Permissions: Who can view, edit, or share the file.
  • Location: See the location of where you took your picture.

  • Why is Metadata Important?

  • Organization: Metadata helps keep your files organized and easy to find. For instance, you can quickly sort files by date or type.
  • Searchability: It allows you to search for files using keywords or specific details without needing to remember the exact file name.
  • Efficiency: Metadata helps Total Drive manage and retrieve your files faster, making your cloud storage experience smooth and efficient.

  • How Metadata Helps You in Total Drive:

  • Quick Searches: Easily find documents by searching for keywords related to the content, creation date, or file type.
  • Sorting and Filtering: Sort your files by different criteria, such as the date modified or file size, to quickly locate the one you need.
  • Collaboration: See who last edited a shared document, helping teams stay in sync.

  • In short, metadata provides essential details about your files and improving how you manage and access your stored data.